The tenant agreeswith thebiketo be diligentthus thenexttenantreceivesa perfect bike.
The tenantis obliged tosecurethe bicyclealways witha lock.At night,the bicycle must be parked in a secure, lockable room. Itis possible toadjustthe bikesfor free overnightinour bike station. Oncethe bikehas leftourofficesitis locatedinthe regulatory andliability tothe tenant.
In case of theftof the bicyclethe hirer is liablein the amountof the currentretail priceplus freight and"rental expanses" to thenew delivery.The amount must be paid locally.
Our bikesare rentedin atechnically perfectandclean condition. Of these the tenant mustconvincehimself during the handover of thebike.Defectsmust be reported immediately.
The bicycleis passedwith a pump, speedmeter (roadbikes), alock and sparetubewith a saddlebag. In case of lossofpump, speedmeter, saddlebag orlockfor a fee of€ 12.00perresolves,use of the tube6.00€ (for 27,5+ 8,00 €).We ask to return thebicyclesin clean condition. Would you notlike to cleanyourrental bikes, we like to takethis service for you. In thiscase wekeep€10.00of the deposit.
For damages caused byimproperhandlingthetenantis liable. Thiscausedrepairs mustbepaidby the tenanton site. Seatposts must be inserted at least 1 cm below the lower intersection of seat and top tube.
Forany repairsin foreignbike garages during therental period, we assume no cost. Our garage isalways openduringouropening times.
There is no breakdown or pick up service. The tenant is responsible for himself in Mallorca. The tenant is responsible for liability claims against third parties.
Our pricesare fixed prices. In case of earlyreturnof the bicyclefor exampledue topain, bad weather, illness orotherreasonsno moneywill be refunded.
A 50% deposit is required upon reservation. Then the bike is reserved fix for the customer. The final payment is due 4 weeks before arrival. If the bicycle is not picked up, the payment will not be refunded. For cancellations our terms and conditions apply.
We hire our bikes only for a deposit of € 100,00 in cash (Roadbikes and 29er), E Bikes € 200,00, Fullsuspension € 150,00. Trekkingbikes and MTB Hardtails € 50,00. Guests who are not accommodated in our partner hotels are requested to deposit an ID card. This deposit will be refunded if the bike is properly returned.
The delivery and return of the bikes takes place daily at our opening hours. 8.45 am - 11.00 am; 4.45 pm - 6.30 pm (Subject to change). If the bike is not returned at the end of the rental period, the full daily rental price will be charged. On the last of the rental days, the bikes are to be handed in until 6 pm.
For a fee of€17.50perweek andbike there is a possibility ofinsurance(allmaterialdamage, accident damage, etc. -not theft) to conclude. Tire and tubedamage is not insured.The insurance includesa deductibleamount of the deposit.
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